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Does the OEA support “defunding the police” with its members’ dues?

Did you know that the Oregon Education Association (OEA) is one of the top 2 funders of a group fighting to “defund the police”?

 It’s true.

Over the past several years, OEA leaders have given away over $2.1 million of its members’ dues to a group that calls itself ‘Our Oregon’ – and last summer, Our Oregon sent this email calling on supporters to help “defund local police.”

They partially succeeded.

In June, the Portland City Council voted to cut the Portland Police Bureau’s budget by $15 million and disband the department’s Gun Violence Reduction Team (GVRT).

Soon after that decision, the City of Portland experienced its deadliest month in over 30 years.

Needless to say, many employees believe that supporting a movement set on dismantling and defunding law enforcement – and ultimately making communities less safe – is not a good use of their dues.

Employees who object to seeing the OEA spend their dues money on causes they don’t agree with can end the automatic deduction of dues from their pay by filling out and mailing the form at www.OptOutToday.com.


 Federal reports reveal the OEA’s contributions to Our Oregon with your dues:

FY2018: $287,500
FY2017: $300,000
FY2016: $668,600
FY2015: $340,000
FY2014: $300,000
FY2013: $249,825

Additional resources:

Teachers and classified public school employees have several options when it comes to ensuring accountable workplace representation. In addition to your constitutional right to withhold your dues payments altogether, visit www.OptOutToday.com/MyLocal or contact us directly for more information about local-only union options.